Heat maps Multidimensional
Create Heat maps combining Image, Font, color, backcolor Cell, Text & font type:
1 .- First select the Range to Evaluate.
2 .- Chosee a rule to use:
3 .- Select the ranges with Rules table.
For this example we have used the following rules:Text & font type, Image, Font, color, Backcolor Cell.
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until you can complete all rules that you want to use.
4.- Choose the location on the sheet where the heat maps will be created. In the example we select a cell and from there and fill the cells needed to create the heat map.
5 .- Now that we have all the information you need , press the button Execute and the Heat maps will be created.
  • In order to make the tool work correctly, the headings of the columns from their ranges to evaluate must be different.
  • If you will apply images in your rules table, you must take into account that images must have less height and width than the respective cell to permit the image be centered within the borders of the cell.
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Microsoft Office (64 bits):