Manage Comments
With this function you can manage workbook comments.
Find comments
Press the button find comment to find comments in an specific worksheet .
Delete comment
Press the button find comment to in an specific worksheet .
Go To comment

With this option you can navigate among the comments.
First you must check the option Go To comment and then choose the element you wish to select.

Directly edit the text from the chosen comment in the text box and press the button overwrite to rewrite.
Comment Report
This utility generates a report of all the comments of the active sheet or of the whole workbook.
Just cose the appropriate option for you and then clic the Do it button.
Change comments color
Show/hide all comments
With this option you can hide all comments from the workbook or worksheet.
This tool is used as follows:
First click:
Displays any comments hidden in the selected range.
Second click:
Hides comments in the selected range.
Eliminate comments of the selected range
Press the button delete to delete the chosen comment.
Unlike Excel, which only eliminates comments from the active cell, this tool allows you to eliminate comments from the entire range selected.
New comment
Adds a new comment to the active cell.