Insert Heatmaps

A heatmap is a graphical representation of data where the values taken by a variable, in a two-dimensional (or more) map, are represented as colors, size, background, etc.
MiniCharts heatmaps can value data with up to 5 different visual values at the same time, making the analysis of great amounts of information fast and easy.

With Heatmaps you can analyze your data with up to 5 dimensions, using:

1. Font Size.
2. Font Color.
3. Font Type.
4. Background Color.
5. Inserting Images.

Heatmaps of MiniCharts
With this functionality you will be able to perform simply, an analysis of the data analysis several criteria of analysis simultaneously.
You will have the ability to view in a consolidated way up to 5 rules of analysis, It is to say that you may either quickly get a view of the data analyzed from several. criteria.
Moreover there is a gallery of examples to help you creating quickly your own cases for data analysis.
You can customize your rules for the analysis and save your models for future sessions.
From this section you can manage the rules and add examples of rules table.
Add rule
Press the button add rules to add new rules table.
It should be noted that the main rule is applied by default, shows all formats of his rule table (image, font size, font color, backcolor, content)
Starting the second rule you can choose which formats to include in the rules.
When you press add rule for the first time the Rule2 appears by default containing all possibilities formats to create rules.
Each time you press the button rule table format, possibilities will spread according to the rules you have created.
Content to copy

All cell content

Choose this option to copy the entire contents of the cell.

All cell content this option includes all the format of the cell, it is to say that if you choose all cell content subsequent to a determined rule, the rule all cell content will replace all the formats.


choose this option, Take the image only.

Font size

Choose this option, Take font size only.

Font color

Choose this option, Take font color only.

Cell backcolor

Choose this option , Take only the background color of the cell.

Text and font type

Choose this option, Take only text and font of the cell.

Get Sample table
From this button you can get useful examples of table rules that may fit your editing convenience.
Delete rules
From this button you can delete the current rule.
From this button you can save the current model .
From this button you can run the current configuration of the rules.
1.Choose the range that contains the main rule as shown in the picture.
If you will apply images in your rules table, you must take into account that images must have less height and width than the respective cell to permit the image be centered within the borders of the cell.
2.For adding a new rule, press the add button rule.
- Now select the data range of data for the second rule and select the range to evaluate as it is shown on the image.
3. You can  continue adding rules depending on the rules used so far, i.e. in this example we use a rule already differentiated by the font color and consequently now let's add a third rule that is not available.
We added a third rule based on Backcolor.
  We chose the corresponding range of the rule table and the range to be evaluated.
We chose the destination range where it should be the results pasted.
 Now press the execute button and the 3 rules have been implemented simultaneously as shown in the image.
Note: In order to make the tool work correctly, the headings of the columns from their ranges to evaluate must be different.
Note: This tool is only available for Excel 2007 and has been replaced to Categorize database.